Dworkin in His Best Light

Capital Gains Realizations

“The Three Lives of Mamengwaa: Toward an Indigenous Canon of Construction”

Repair As Research: How Copyright Impedes Learning About Devices

“The Macroprudential Myth”

Georgetown Law Journal

“The Regulation of Unfairness in Contract”

Research Handbook on the Philosophy of Contract Law

“An Intimate Account of International Law”

International Law in a Transcivilizational World

“Theories of Appellate Review and Stare Decisis in Agency Adjudication”

The Rise and Fall of the Ogemakaan

“Law, Institutions and Economic Development: Examining the Development of the Home Mortgage Market in India - Can Two Wrongs Make a Right?”

Fields of Empire Ripe for Trade Unionism: The American Federation of Labor, Agricultural Workers of Color, and the Pan-American Labor Movement

“Juristocracy and Administrative Governance: From Benzene to Climate”

“Equitable Reservoirs of Justice in Federal Habeas Corpus Review”