“Two Moralities of Consistency”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Investment Protection Standards and the Rule of Law

“Commentary on Ringling Bros-Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Inc. v Ringling”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Feminist Judgments: Corporate Law Rewritten

“Alternative Trading Platforms and Microstructure Innovation”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Financial Market Infrastructure

“Shareholder Engagement in the United States”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
The Cambridge Handbook of Shareholder Engagement and Voting

“A New Approach to Executory Contracts”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Bankruptcy’s Universal Pragmatist

“Alternative Trading Platforms in the United States: Incentives for Innovation in the US Stock Market”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
  • Law and Technology
Financial Market Infrastructures: Law and Regulation

“Compliance as Costs and Benefits”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
  • Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility
Cambridge Handbook of Compliance

“Corporate Law and Economic Development”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Research Handbook on Comparative Corporate Governance

“Fiduciary Principles in Indian Law”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
The Oxford Handbook of Fiduciary Law

“Bank Capital Requirements After the Financial Crisis”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Oxford Handbook of Banking

“An Analysis of Internal Governance and the Role of The General Counsel in Reducing Corporate Crime”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
Research Handbook on Corporate Crime and Financial Misdealing

“Securities Law and its Enforcers”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Research Handbook on Corporate Crime and Financial Misdealing

“South by Southeast: Comparing the Development of In-House Legal Departments in Brazil and India”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
The Brazilian Legal Profession in the Age of Globalization: The Rise of the Corporate Legal Sector and Its Impact on Lawyers and Society

“Corporate Governance, Capital Markets, and Securities Law”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Law and Governance

“Lead Plaintiffs and Their Lawyers: Mission Accomplished, or More to Be Done?”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Research Handbook on Shareholder Litigation

“Private and Public Enforcement of Securities Regulation”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Oxford Handbook of Corporate Law and Governance

“The Regulation of Trading Markets: A Survey and Evaluation”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
  • Administrative Law
Securities Market Issues for the 21st Century

“Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Laws in India: The Arrival of the Class Action?”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Law: China and the World

“A Comparative Analysis of the Regulation of Squeeze-Outs and Going-Private Transactions”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
Comparative Takeover Regulation: Global and Asian Perspectives

“Mandatory Arbitration in Consumer Finance and Investor Contracts”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Law: China and the World

“Board Independence in India: From Form to Function?”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
Independent Directors in Asia: A Historical, Contextual and Comparative Approach

“Private Enforcement of Company Law and Securities Regulation in Korea”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Law: China and the World

“The Fiduciary State and Private Ordering”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Contract, Status, and Fiduciary Law

“Microfinance and Financial Development”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Economics of Financial Law

“Addressing Informational Challenges with Earnouts in Mergers and Acquisitions”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Research Handbook on Mergers and Acquisitions

“Why Leniency does not Undermine Compensation”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Anti-Cartel Enforcement in a Contemporary Age: Leniency Religion

“An Analytical Framework for Legal Evaluation of Boilerplate”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Philosophical Foundations of Contract Law

“Boilerplate: A Threat to the Rule of Law?”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Private Law and the Rule of Law

“Has Illegal Insider Trading Become More Rampant in the United States? Empirical Evidence from Takeovers”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Research Handbook on Insider Trading

“The Political Economy of Insider Trading Laws and Enforcement: Law vs. Politics? International Evidence”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
Research Handbook on Insider Trading

“Launching the Insider Trading Revolution: SEC v. Capital Gains Research Bureau”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Research Handbook on Insider Trading

“Behaviorally Informed Regulation”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
  • Administrative Law
The Behavioral Foundations of Public Policy

“The Market for Corporate Control in Korea”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Korean Business Law

“Monitoring of Corporate Groups by Independent Directors”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Korean Business Law

“The Rarity of Derivative Actions in India: Reasons and Consequences”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
The Derivative Action in Asia: A Comparative and Functional Approach

“Directors’ Duties and Liabilities in Korean Companies”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Korean Business Law

“Reforming the Corporate Monitor?”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Prosecutors in the Boardroom: Using Criminal Law to Regulate Corporate Conduct

“Exploring the Determinants of High-Cost Mortgages to Homeowners in Low- and Moderate-Income Neighborhoods”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
The American Mortgage System: Crisis and Reform

“New Centres of Economic Power - New Challenges and Priorities for Fighting Corruption? Corporate Governance, Corporate Integrity in India”

  • Criminal Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
Global Corruption Report 2009: Corruption and the Private Sector

“The Case for Behaviorally Informed Regulation”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
  • Administrative Law
New Perspectives on Regulation

“Savings, Assets, Credit, and Banking Among Low-Income Households: Introduction and Overview”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit and Banking Among Low- and Moderate-Income Households

“The Liberal Conception of Property: Cross Currents in the Jurisprudence of Takings”

  • Constitutional Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
Economics of Constitutional Law

“Corporations and Human Rights: A Theory of Legal Responsibility”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
  • Human Rights
Human Rights and Corporations

“Financial Services, Saving, and Borrowing Among Low- and Moderate-Income Households: Evidence from the Detroit Area Household Financial Services Survey”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit and Banking Among Low- and Moderate-Income Households

“Behaviorally Informed Home Mortgage Regulation”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Borrowing to Live: Consumer and Mortgage Credit Revisited

“Securities and Exchange Commission v. Ralston Purina, 346 U.S. 119 (1953)”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States

“The Growth of the Fiduciary Duty Class Actions for Freeze Out Mergers: Weinberger v. UOP, Inc.”

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Corporate and Securities Law
The Iconic Cases in Corporate Law

“Definition of a Security”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States

“Ernst & Ernst v. Hochfelder, 425 U.S. 185 (1976)”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States

“Government Policies to Expand Financial Access”

  • Corporate and Securities Law
Building Inclusive Financial Systems: A Framework for Financial Access