“The Gulf of Sidra Incident of 1981: The Lawfulness of Peacetime Aerial Engagements”

International Incidents: The Law That Counts in World Politics

“International Refugee Law: Humanitarian Standard or Protectionist Ploy?”

  • Human Rights
Human Rights and the Protection of Refugees under International Law

“The Federal Government and a Program of ‘Advance Maintenance’ in the United States”

  • Administrative Law
Child Support: From Debt Collection to Social Policy

“The Legal and Economic Implications of Union-Management Cooperation: The Case of GM and the UAW”

  • Labor and Employment Law
Proceedings of New York University 41st Annual National Conference on Labor

“Judicial Criticism”

Interpreting Law and Literature: A Hermeneutic Reader

“Exploring the Meaning of Freedom: Postemancipation Societies in Comparative Perspective”

  • Legal History
The Abolition of Slavery and the Aftermath of Emancipation in Brazil