This seminar will address a central topic in constitutional federalism: the nature and reach of congressional power. It is often said that the federal government is a government of enumerated powers. That statement is generally understood to mean that Congress can legislate only on the basis of specific authorizations in the constitutional text, and it is further conventionally understood that those authorizations enable Congress to do less than it could do with a grant of general legislative jurisdiction. In this seminar, we will confront a book-length treatment of the limits of this idea. Proceeding chapter by chapter through a work of scholarship in progress, students in the seminar will examine the early history of the idea of enumerated powers, judicial doctrine on the subject, and the role of enumerated powers within the structure of federalism. The seminar is an opportunity for students to be part of the final formation of a full-length scholarly critique of the enumerated-powers idea—a critique that suggests that on the best understanding of American constitutional law, Congress need not be limited by the enumeration of its powers. Students will be encouraged to criticize both the conventional view of the subject and the alternative on offer in the work in progress.