
The University of Michigan Law School welcomes early career scholars to the 10th Annual Junior Scholars Conference, April 12-13, 2024, in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 

The conference provides junior scholars with a platform to present and discuss their work with peers and receive feedback from prominent members of the Michigan Law faculty. The conference aims to promote fruitful collaboration between participants and to encourage their integration into a community of legal scholars.

2024 Conference Theme

Reimagining the Public-Private Divide

The origin of the public/private divide in law can be traced back to the classical division between “public” and “private” law, the former referring to the relationship between citizens and the state and the latter to the relationship between citizens. This distinction between the state arena, in which political prerogatives prevail, and the private sphere, in which autonomous persons interact according to their own preferences, creates a separation between the public sphere and the private sphere that permeates the division of legal disciplines and court competences. However, recent social changes like the rise of the multinational corporation, public-private partnerships, private security companies, outsourcing of key welfare state functions, and private intelligence, in addition to the quickly changing expectations and experiences of digital media, have led to developments in legal doctrine (like the government function test, horizontally applicable rights, et al), which challenge this neat distinction. Researchers around the world, whether they are working on private or public law at the national, supranational, or international level, have increasingly been arguing that the dividing legal line between the public sphere and private sphere is increasingly being blurred—or vanishing.


Old pictures of a political and legal scene remain current, long after it has been dramatically altered.

— Felix Frankfurter

If the public/private divide is indeed vanishing, where is it vanishing to? Does this call for us to envision a new kind of legal order? What does a legal order with no distinction between the public and the private look like? What are the implications of this change in various fields of law? Or is this merely academic speculation? Does this divide still serve a purpose in law?


9 a.m.
Jeffries Lounge
9:30 a.m.
Panel I: Corporate and Commercial Law
Jeffries Hall 1025

Michael Francus, University of Notre Dame Law School

Death, Bankruptcy, and the Public Hospital

Michael Francus teaches and writes about bankruptcy law. His scholarship examines government bankruptcies of all varieties—states, general-purpose governments, government businesses—and focuses on how both municipal finance and municipal bankruptcy can play a role in minimizing the risk of, and improving the response to, debt crises. Francus is a graduate of Stanford Law School, where he served as an articles editor on the Stanford Law Review. After law school, he clerked for the Hon. Stephanos Bibas on the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. He then practiced as an associate at Kirkland & Ellis, where he focused on commercial and appellate litigation. Immediately prior to joining the faculty at Notre Dame, he served as a Climenko Fellow at Harvard Law School. 

Andrew Jennings, Emory University Law School

Vice Capital

Andrew Jennings is an associate professor of law at Emory University. His research interests include corporate governance, corporate crime and compliance, and securities regulation. Prior to joining Emory, he was an assistant professor of law at Brooklyn Law School, a teaching fellow and lecturer in law at Stanford Law School, a corporate associate at Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, a law clerk to the Hon. Helene N. White on the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, and a litigation associate at Sullivan & Cromwell LLP. He received a juris doctor and an master of arts in economics from Duke University and a bachelor’s degree in history and government from Hampden-Sydney College. His recent works have been published in the Duke Law Journal, the BYU Law Review, and The Journal of Corporation Law. He is the creator and host of the Business Scholarship Podcast.

Dalila Martins-Viol, Fundação Getulio Vargas Law School

Corporate Compliance Programs as a Public Strategy Against Corruption: Global Rise and Overlooked Consequences

Dalila Martis-Viol is PhD candidate at the Fundação Getulio Vargas School of Law in São Paulo (FGV Direito SP) under the supervision of Professor Mariana Pargendler. She was a visiting researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law. She holds a master of public administration from the Fundação João Pinheiro. Her master’s dissertation on compliance programs in the Brazilian context received the 2021 prize for the best academic dissertation in Brazil in the field of public policy from the National Association of Teaching and Research in the Field of Public Policy. She holds a bachelor of laws from the Federal University of Ouro Preto. She was an attorney for a municipality and is currently a full-time researcher. Her research interests focus on compliance programs.

9:30 a.m.
Panel IIA: International and Comparative Law
Jeffries Hall 0220

Leo Tiberghien, Universite de Fribourg

Between Democracy and Privatization: Regulating Private Participation in International Organizations’ Law-Making

Leo Tiberghien is a doctoral candidate at the University of Fribourg. His research focuses on the legal framework applicable to the privatization of international organizations’ financing and decision-making procedures. He has been a visiting scholar at the Lauterpacht Center for International Law at the University of Cambridge (2023–2024) and at the Erik Castrén Institute at the University of Helsinki (2022–2023). Previously, he worked as a research and teaching assistant at the chair of international and European law at the University of Fribourg (2020–2022). He also was a research and teaching student-assistant at the chair of criminal law and criminology at the University of Fribourg in parallel with his studies (2017–2020). Tiberghien holds a master of law and bachelor of law from the University of Fribourg and spent academic semesters at the Catholic University of Lisbon and the University of Bonn.

Avaskhan Asanaliyev, University of Michigan Law School

Contours of Justice: The Complex Evolution of International Arbitration Frameworks in the Former Soviet Republics Amidst Global Challenges

Avaskhan Asanaliyev, a doctoral candidate and International and Comparative Research Scholar at the University of Michigan Law School, is currently working on a dissertation project exploring the impact of sanctions on international arbitration practices. His research spans various areas, including international law, international dispute resolution, sanctions, corporate law, and governance.

11 a.m.
Panel IIIA: Gender and the Law
Jeffries Hall 0220

Shira Flugelman, Columbia Law School

Religious Advocacy for Abortion Access

Malavika Parthasarthy, University of Chicago Law School

Extra-Legal “Compromises” in Rape Adjudication and the Liberal Conception of “Privacy”

Malavika Parthasarathy is a doctoral candidate at the University of Chicago Law School. She obtained her first degree in law from National Law University Delhi (2018) and her master of laws from the University of Chicago Law School (2021). She has served as a visiting professor at the National Law School of India University, where she taught a course on reproductive justice theory and practice to upper-level law students, and as a lecturer at the Center for Gender and Sexuality at the University of Chicago, where she taught a seminar course on global approaches to reproductive justice to undergraduate students. This summer, she will serve as an instructor at the university’s pre-college program, where she will teach a course on legal reasoning and institutions. Before commencing her studies at the University of Chicago, Parthasarathy served as a research fellow at the Center for Constitutional Law, Policy and Governance, New Delhi—where she studied proposals for reform at the Supreme Court of India—and as a field researcher in the state of Tamil Nadu, learning about the legal barriers that women faced in accessing abortion services. Her main areas of interest are criminal law, laws on the regulation of gender and sexuality, animal law, and law and literature.

12:30 p.m.
Jeffries Lounge
1:30 p.m.
Panel IIB: International and Comparative Law
Hutchins Hall 118

Anja Bossow, New York University Law School

(De)-Legitimizing Citizenship Deprivation

Anja Bossow is a doctoral candidate at New York University School of Law and an editor at Verfassungsblog. Her doctoral project examines the constitutionality of citizenship deprivation powers under the supervision of Professor Jeremy Waldron. She holds a master of laws in legal theory from NYU, a master of laws in international human rights and comparative law from the London School of Economics and a bachelor of arts in law from the University of Oxford. 

Lucas Hartmann and Torben Ellerbrok , University of Freiburg and Freie Universitat

The Public-Private Divide as a Premise of Civil Rights and Liberties Thinking

Lucas Hartmann is a senior research fellow at the Institute for Legal Theory at the University of Freiburg in Germany. Previously, he conducted research at the Institute for German and European Administrative Law at the University of Heidelberg. Hartmann defended his doctoral thesis on the codification of European Union administrative law at the University of Heidelberg in 2019. In 2020, he was awarded a three-year full-time senior researcher fellowship (“Eigene Stelle”) by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft–DFG). In 2021, he was a visiting researcher at the Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne in France, and in the academic year 2022–2023 at the University of Michigan Law School. Hartmann’s research interests include legal theory, comparative law, and European Union law. One of his current projects concerns concepts of judicial lawmaking in Germany, France, and the United States.

Torben Ellerbrok is an assistant professor (Juniorprofessor) at the Freie Universität Berlin. Before joining the Freie Universität, Ellerbrok was a research fellow at the University of Heidelberg from where he earned a doctoral degree in 2019. His doctoral dissertation deals with bylaws under German law and was awarded a prize as an outstanding contribution to scientific research in the field of administrative law by the German Federal Administrative Court. His research and teaching mainly focus on administrative law, police law, and the foundations of human rights law. Furthermore, he is highly interested in the development process of administrative law in the European Union.

1:30 p.m.
Panel IV: Legal History
Jeffries Hall 1025

Brian Highsmith, Harvard University Law School

The Company Town: Private Power and Public Governance in a Fragmented Polity

Brian Highsmith is an Academic Fellow in Law and Political Economy at Harvard Law School and a fourth-year doctoral candidate in government and social policy at Harvard University. His research explores connections between economic inequality, residential segregation, fiscal federalism, corporate power, mass punishment, and local democracy. After graduating from Yale Law School in 2017, he was a Skadden Fellow at the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC); his litigation and advocacy there challenged the unaffordable financial obligations that are imposed by private companies on poor families as a result of their contact with the criminal system. Before joining NCLC, he worked in Washington, DC, on domestic economic policy with a focus on income support programs and fiscal policy—including at President Obama’s National Economic Council, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, and the office of Sen. Cory Booker. During the 2022–2023 academic year, he was a fellow in law and public policy at Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs.

Grace Watkins, Yale University Law School

“Incurable Entanglement”: The Hybrid Powers of Campus Police

Grace Watkins is a second-year law student at Yale Law School and a doctoral student in history at the University of Oxford. She co-edited the volume Cops on Campus: Rethinking Safety and Confronting Police Violence. At Yale, she is an editor-in-chief of the Yale Journal of Law & Feminism. She also works with Professor Elizabeth Hinton on the Challenging Racism in the Law Project.

Chan Tov McNamarah, Cornell University Law School

Appeals to Regret and Affective Discrimination

Chan Tov McNamarah is a visiting assistant professor at Cornell Law School. Their research focuses on anti-discrimination law and constitutional law, particularly the Reconstruction Amendments and other guarantees of equality. McNamarah received their juris doctor, cum laude from Cornell Law School, where they served on the Cornell Law Review. Their current writing scrutinizes the logic, structure, and validity of legal arguments used to oppose the equal citizenship of sexual and gender minorities. That scholarship has been published in the Columbia Law ReviewCalifornia Law Review, and Cornell Law Review.

Rebecca Horwitz Willis, Harvard University

Destructive Agencies’ in the Neighborhood of Schools”: Legal Geographies of Vice and Education in Chicago’s Black Belt, 1900–1920

Rebecca Horwitz-Willis is a postdoctoral research fellow with the Black Teacher Archive project at Harvard University and the incoming Drinan Scholar at Boston College Law School for 2024–2025. She is a legal historian who studies the relationship between race, law, and educational inequality in the United States, and her work integrates insights from the history of child welfare, juvenile justice, and state formation to develop more nuanced understandings of the racialized development of schooling institutions. Horwitz-Willis received a doctoral degree in education from Harvard University, where she was a doctoral fellow with the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study and a Harvard Mellon Urban Institute Doctoral Fellow. She also holds a juris doctor from the University of Texas. She has worked as an editor for the Michigan Journal of Law and Society as well as the Harvard Educational Review, and she has served as a research advisor for legal nonprofits in the Boston area. Prior to her graduate studies, she worked as a lawyer and a high school educator.

1:30 p.m.
Panel V: Legal Theory
Jeffries Hall 1225

Filip Jelínek, Charles University

Public Duties, State Omissions, and Actio Popularis

Filip Jelínek is a doctoral candidate and SYLFF fellow at Charles University in Prague. His research falls within the field of constitutional theory, focusing on the issue of state inaction. While primarily working in constitutional and administrative law, he also maintains a keen interest in jurisprudence and public policy. Filip obtained his qualifying law degree in Prague and holds a Magister Juris from the University of Oxford. In Prague, he actively participates in teaching and co-convenes the Constitutional Theory Discussion Group. Drawing on his prior experience at the Czech Supreme Administrative Court, he currently serves as a law clerk at the Constitutional Court.

Kalpana Sivabalah, Middlesex University

The Modified Fiduciary Approach

Kalpana Sivabalah is a senior lecturer in law at Middlesex University, Mauritius. Her broad research interests are in constitutional and administrative law, and on investigating the public/private divide. Shortly after completing a bachelor of arts in jurisprudence and a bachelor of civil law at Lady Margaret Hall, the University of Oxford, Sivabalah was called to the Malaysian Bar. She worked as a legal associate in a leading law firm in Malaysia for two years before leaving to pursue her doctoral studies in the United Kingdom. Sivabalah holds a doctor of philosophy in law from Pembroke College, the University of Oxford, where she taught for several years before moving to Mauritius.

Tomer Kenneth, New York University Law School

Against Factual Precedents

Tomer Kenneth is a doctoral candidate and a fellow at NYU Law School’s Information Law Institute. He researches decisions about facts in law and politics, focusing on evidence, law and technology, political theory, and jurisprudence. Kenneith earned his master of laws in legal theory from NYU and his bachelor of laws, cum laude, from Reichman University. He served as a law clerk on the Supreme Court of Israel under Justice Salim Joubran. Kenneth’s dissertation is a book-length manuscript exploring how democratic institutions should determine facts. His recent scholarship was published or is forthcoming in the Yale Journal of Law and the HumanitiesHarvard Journal on Legislation, and Duke Law Journal Online, among others.

Kevin Zhang, Yale University Law School

Jurisprudential Housekeeping

Kevin Zhang is a juris doctor candidate at Yale Law School. He received his doctorate and bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the University of Oxford, where he wrote a monograph on objective normativity under the supervision of Roger Crisp and Ruth Chang. Prior to that, he received his bachelor of arts in philosophy from Princeton University, where he won the John M. Warbeke 1903 Prize for the Best Thesis in Metaphysics and Epistemology. At Yale, he serves as an articles editor of the Yale Law Journal, and he has also taught as a teaching fellow in the philosophy department.

3:15 p.m.
Panel IIIB: Gender and the Law
Hutchins Hall 118

Sifan (Yolanda) Jiang, Duke University Law School

Rethinking the Public-Private Divide in an Authoritarian State: The Evolving Matrimonial Property Rights in China

Angbeen Atif Mirza, Lahore University of Management Sciences and Monash University

Navigating the Public-Private Divide: Citizenship of Women in Pakistan

Angbeen Atif Mirza is an assistant professor at the Shaikh Ahmad Hassan School of Law (SAHSOL) at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS). She holds a bachelor of arts and bachelor of laws from LUMS (2008) and a master of laws from the University of Michigan Law School (2010). Having received an education with a strong bent toward community and social justice lawyering, early in her career Atif Mirza opted to work with the Legal Aid Office in Karachi, serving the inmates of the borstal school. Gradually, her work expanded to include community legal empowerment. Working with the Legal Aid Society, Atif Mirza has been part of the team that has trained hundreds of community paralegals to work across Sindh in the areas of women’s right to legal property, access to alternative methods of dispute resolution and with prisoners inside Karachi Central Jail. As faculty, Atif Mirza’s primary area of interest lies in clinical legal education, specifically street law, live client clinics, and access to justice work. She supervises a street law program at SAHSOL where students are responsible for weekly legal awareness sessions with secondary school students. SAHSOL has now launched its prison paralegal clinic, which takes specialized legal insight to sentenced convicts inside a select number of Punjab prisons. As a clinical legal instructor, Atif Mirza is naturally interested in the scholarship of teaching and learning, and works with the LUMS Learning Institute to keep innovating with her teaching methods. She also is interested in women’s equality and citizenship in Pakistan. She has previously served as the founding faculty director for the LUMS Office of Accessibility and Inclusion and currently serves on the Board of Digital Rights Foundation, a cyber-rights organization working for online freedom of expression and right to privacy for vulnerable communities.

5 p.m.
Plenary Session: Antimonopoly and Democracy
Jeffries Hall 1025

Join us for a panel discussion on the recently published volume Antimonopoly and American Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2023), which was co-edited by University of Michigan Law School professors William Novak and Daniel Crane. They will speak alongside Naomi Lamoreaux (Yale University and the University of Michigan Law School), John Cisternino (The Tobin Project), and Jamie Grischkan (Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law). In addition to discussing antimonopoly and antitrust in the current environment, the panel will touch on collaborative projects and junior scholars’ participation in such projects.

7 p.m.
Conference Dinner
Day title
Friday, April 12
9 a.m.
Jeffries Lounge
10 a.m.
Panel VI: Law and Technology
Jeffries Hall 1025

Giulia G. Cusenza, University of Udine

Litigating the Government Use of AI: Judicial Trends and Procedural Insights

Giulia G. Cusenza is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Udine, Faculty of Law, in Italy. In 2023, she was a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan Law School. She earned her doctorate in comparative and European legal studies from the University of Trento in 2020, and in 2018, she obtained an intensive international master of laws (IILLM) from the European Public Law Organization. In recent years, Cusenza has been lecturing various courses, including administrative law and European Union law. She also is admitted to the Italian bar since 2018, and since January 2022, she has been working as a consulting expert for the Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan, funded by the European Commission to boost the technological transition of the Italian public administration. 

Sylvia Lu, University of Michigan Law School

Regulating Algorithmic Harms

Sylvia Lu is a faculty fellow at the University of Michigan Law School. Her teaching and research interests lie in the interplay of law, innovation, and society. Lu writes about data privacy laws, artificial intelligence regulations, and comparative law, with a particular focus on the United States, the European Union, and China. Her recent projects explore how the law can and should regulate algorithmic harms to safeguard civil rights and democratic values. She holds a doctor of science in law from the University of California, Berkeley. Her academic scholarship has appeared or will appear in California Law Review, Florida Law Review, Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law, and more. In addition to her scholarship, Lu holds CIPP/US and CIPP/Europe certifications from the International Association of Privacy Professionals.

Ann Buizon and Chad Patrick Osorio, Wageningen University

Big Tech, Self-Regulation, and the Future of AI Laws

Ann Buizon is a senior linguist and AI specialist, with a proven track record in Big Tech consultancy. Currently based in San Francisco, she thrives in the intersection of language, technology, and research. 

Chad Patrick Osorio is a lawyer and economist working in the field of AI policy. Working with a number of global data-driven AI platforms, he was named SwissCognitive Global AI Ambassador 2022. His work on AI, sustainability, and the Global South has recently been shortlisted for the Wageningen University Research Awards 2024.

10 a.m.
Panel VII: Criminal Law
Jeffries Hall 1070

Gregory Antill, Columbia University Law School

Rethinking the Role of Intentional Harms in Criminal Law

Gregory Antill is an academic fellow and lecturer in law at Columbia University Law School. He has research interests in criminal law, evidence, and tort law, where he applies recent conceptual advances in philosophy and cognitive science to traditional legal questions about mens rea, culpability, competence, and expert testimony. Antill received his juris doctor from Yale University, where he was an editor on the Yale Law Journal and editor-in-chief of the Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities. He earned his doctorate in philosophy from the University of California, Los Angeles, where he was an Andrew W. Mellon Fellow in Humanistic Studies. Prior to joining Columbia, Antill taught as a visiting assistant professor of philosophy at Claremont McKenna College and Pomona College.

Guha Krishnamurthi, University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law

Criminal Justice in the Data State

Guha Krishnamurthi is an associate professor of law at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. Krishnamurthi’s research interests are in criminal law and procedure, constitutional law, and antidiscrimination law. Before arriving at University of Maryland, he taught at the University of Oklahoma College of Law, South Texas College of Law, and as a Climenko Fellow at Harvard Law School. Before entering academia, Krishnamurthi worked as a litigator at law firms in Southern California. He clerked for the Hon. Goodwin H. Liu on the California Supreme Court, the Hon. Andrea R. Wood on the US District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, and the Hon. Diane P. Wood on the US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Krishnamurthi earned his juris doctor, with high honors, from the University of Texas School of Law, his bachelor of science, with high distinction, in mathematics from the University of Michigan, his master of science in mathematics from the University of Michigan, and his master of arts in philosophy from the University of Texas.

Matthew Boaz, Washington & Lee University School of Law

The Migration of Abolition Theory

Matthew Boaz is the director of the Immigrant Rights Clinic at the Washington & Lee University School of Law and a professor of practice. Next year, he will be joining the University of Kentucky Rosenberg College of Law as an assistant professor of law. His scholarship is concerned with the intersection of criminal law and immigration law, critical theory, abolition, and issues related to immigration proceedings, including detention and universal representation. His work is forthcoming in the North Carolina Law Review and has been published in the Tennessee Law Review and the Georgetown Immigration Law Journal. He is the recipient of the 2021 and the 2023 Jessine A. Monaghan Fellowship for excellence in experiential education. Prior to teaching, Boaz was a senior detention attorney with the Immigrant Rights Project of the American Friends Service Committee in Newark, New Jersey. He is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center (juris doctor, with a certificate in refugees and humanitarian emergencies) and Texas Christian University (bachelor of arts in political science with an emphasis in international relations, summa cum laude). He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.

Seema Saifee, Rutgers University Law School

Aggregation at the Bottom

Seema Saifee is an assistant professor at Rutgers Law School. She writes and teaches about criminal law, criminal procedure, and social change. Her scholarship explores how individuals and communities most harmed by mass incarceration produce knowledge and develop strategies to reduce prison populations. Before joining the Rutgers Law School faculty, she was a Quattrone Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Before entering academia, Saifee was a senior staff attorney at the Innocence Project in New York, where she represented indigent clients in post-conviction criminal cases in state and federal courts nationwide and directed the Innocence Project clinic. She previously worked as a legal fellow at the ACLU of Pennsylvania, litigating cases involving national security, civil liberties, and policing. Saifee began her career as an associate at a New York law firm, where she was part of a pro bono team that represented a group of ethnic Uighur men who were indefinitely imprisoned without charge in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Saifee clerked for the Hon. Dan A. Polster on the US District Court for the Northern District of Ohio. She is a cum laude graduate of Cornell University and a graduate of Fordham Law School, where she was a Stein Scholar in Public Interest Law and Ethics and a Crowley Scholar in International Human Rights. 

11 a.m.
Panel VIII: Law and Economics
Jeffries Hall 1050

Ya’ara Mordecai, Yale University Law School

Seeking Justice, Love, and Mercy?: An Empirical Study of Moral Intuitions and Survival Crimes

 Ya’ara Mordecai is a doctoral candidate at Yale Univeristy Law School, having earned her master of laws there in 2023 as an E. David Fischman scholar. She also holds master of laws in public and international law, a bachelor of laws and a bachelor of arts, summa cum laude, in the “Amirim” Interdisciplinary Honors Program in the Humanities from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her dissertation focuses on the intersection of poverty and crime, with a particular emphasis on evaluating alternative enforcement approaches to traditional criminal methods. Her academic interests span criminal law, international human rights law, international humanitarian law, tort law, and comparative law. Before coming to Yale, Mordecai clerked for the deputy chief justice of the Israeli Supreme Court, practiced as a lawyer at the Justice Ministry International Law Department, and served as the associate editor of the Israel Law Review. She has also held teaching and research assistant positions and contributed to the UN Human Rights Committee’s work as a research assistant to the chair.

Lauren Roth, Touro University

The Fiduciary Game

Lauren R. Roth is an Assistant Professor of Law at Touro University, Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center. Her teaching and research interests include business law, health law, fiduciary law, and employee benefits. Her scholarship focuses on the role of the government and employers in American health and social welfare and how to promote equal access to and efficiency in healthcare. In 2023, Professor Roth was named a Health Law Scholar by the Center for Health Law Studies at Saint Louis University School of Law and the American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics. Prior to joining the Touro Law Center, Professor Roth was Associate Director of the Lawyering Program at New York University School of Law and Assistant Professor of Legal Writing at St. John’s University School of Law. She practiced employee benefits law and general litigation before entering academia. Professor Roth holds a J.D. from Harvard Law School, a Ph.D. from Columbia in political science, and a B.A. from George Washington University.

1 p.m.
Jeffries Lounge
Day title
Saturday, April 13

Previous Papers and Speakers

  • 2023

    Panel I: Empirical Legal Studies

    Dane Thorley: Judge Nudges in the Shadow of Judge Shoves

    Dane Ross Thorley is an associate professor of law at Brigham Young University Law School, where he teaches Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure, Professional Responsibility, and Empirical Legal Studies. Prior to joining BYU Law, Thorley was a postdoctoral fellow in empirical law and economics at Columbia Law School, a visiting researcher at Yale Law School, and a clerk for the Hon. Andrew Gordon on the US District Court for the District of Nevada. Thorley has a JD from Yale Law School and a PhD in political science from Columbia University. His most recent work has been published in the Northwestern University Law Review, the Maryland Law Review, the Journal of Politics, and the Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. His research explores how the rules, procedures, and practices currently utilized in the US courtroom impact the behavior of judges, attorneys, and parties. He also writes on the use of randomized experiments—particularly field experiments—in studying law, procedure, and policy. He currently has working papers or projects looking at judicial recusal, judicial elections, parole hearings, legal representation, constitutional rights, search warrants, the use of video in the courtroom, online privacy, and the ethics of conducting field experiments in the courtroom context.

    Gilat Bachar: The Commonsense Justice of Confidential Settlements

    Gilat Juli Bachar is an assistant professor of law at Temple University Beasley School of Law, where she teaches Torts, Professional Responsibility, and a seminar in Dispute Resolution. She was previously a visiting assistant professor at Villanova University School of Law, teaching Contracts and Dispute Resolution. Prior to Villanova, Bachar was a research fellow with the Stanford Center on the Legal Profession, and a Stanford Law School Public Interest Fellow at the Center for Justice & Accountability in San Francisco, where she worked on social justice tort litigation in federal courts. Bachar graduated with a JSD from Stanford Law School in 2018, where her research won one national and two school-wide awards,as well as numerous research grants. Prior to coming to Stanford, she clerked for the Israeli chief justice, worked as an associate in one of Israel’s leading litigation firms, and earned an LLB in law and an MBA, both summa cum laude, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her work, which has been published or is forthcoming in journals such as the Arizona State Law JournalCardozo Law ReviewHastings Law Journal, and Chicago Journal of International Law, investigates both theoretically and empirically how lay people, disputants and lawyers perceive and apply legal concepts like accountability, confidentiality and deterrence and how their perceptions inhibit or help produce social change.

    Benjamin Cavataro and Patrick J. Gauding: Decision making at a Federal Safety Regulator: Examining Action, Polarization, and Consensus Within a Bipartisan Multimember Commission.

    Benjamin L. Cavataro is a visiting assistant professor of law at Villanova University. His teaching and research focus on tort and regulatory law, especially the intersection of products liability and administrative law. His work explores the operation and limitations of key federal safety statutes and regulations (such as the Consumer Product Safety Act and National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act); safety law’s effect on regulator, corporation, and consumer interaction; the strengths and weaknesses of rulemaking and enforcement by CPSC and NHTSA; and the implications of emerging technology on consumer product safety law. Before joining Villanova Law, he was special counsel at Covington & Burling LLP in Washington, DC, where he represented clients in complex regulatory proceedings and litigation. He is a member of the bar in the District of Columbia and Florida and is admitted to practice before the US Supreme Court and other federal courts. His work has appeared in the Utah Law Review and is forthcoming in the George Washington University Law Review.

    Patrick J. Gauding is a visiting assistant professor of politics at the University of the South. His research and teaching interests focus on the interactions of legal and political institutions in adopting and reforming public policy at the state and local level. Specifically, his current research focuses on the electoral and fiscal incentives that local policymakers confront in adopting or reforming social control policies. His dissertation research focused on the politics and administration of criminal justice reform at the state and local level, specifically the diffusion, implementation, and financial administration of criminal diversion programs, as well as public support for such programs. This work contributes to literatures within public policy, state and local politics, public opinion, and research methods. His work has appeared in PS: Political Science & Politics, as well as book chapters in edited volumes published by Cambridge University Press and Oxford University Press.

    Panel II: International Law

    Fabian Eichberger: National Security and Self-judgment: Towards Judicialization

    Fabian Eichberger is a PhD candidate in public international law at Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge. His research interests lie in the areas of general international law, international investment law, and German public law. His PhD project, “Self-Judgment in International Law,” investigates to what extent states can authoritatively auto-interpret international law. His doctoral research is funded by a W.M. Tapp Studentship and the German Academic Scholarship Foundation.

    Before joining the University of Cambridge, Eichberger was a research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg and read law at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg (Dipl. Jur.), at Waseda University in Tokyo (exchange), and at the University of Oxford (M.Jur.). He is currently an associate editor at International Law in Domestic Courts (OUP) and an assistant editor for Investment Arbitration at Kluwer Arbitration Blog. In spring 2023, he is visiting the University of Michigan Law School as an International and Comparative Law Research Scholar.

    Guy Priver: The International Law of Conflicting Cities

    Guy Priver is a doctoral student (SJD) at Harvard Law School, interested in the turn to the local in global governance. His research is focused on international law and the reorientation of peacebuilding and development projects to the local realm. He is also a grad student associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University, and a research fellow at Moladthe Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy. Prior to his studies at Harvard, Priver completed his LLB at the Tel Aviv University Faculty of Law and his BA at the TAU Department of History. He clerked for Justice Daphne Barak-Erez on the Supreme Court of Israel. Occasionally he also publishes op-eds on law and left politics.

    Panel III: Of Courts and Constitutionalism (Constitutional Law)

    Pinchas Huberman: A Relational Theory of the Constitutional Concept of Free Speech

    Pinchas Huberman is a JSD candidate at Yale Law School, writing his dissertation in free speech theory. He is also a resident fellow with the Information Society Project and a doctoral fellow with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Huberman’s research interests include free speech, tort law, analytic and normative jurisprudence, constitutional theory, private law theory, and the intersections of law and technology. He holds a JD and LLM from the University of Toronto.

    Max Steuer: Republican Constitutional Pluralism for the European Union: Towards The Next Generation of Fundamental Rights Protection

    Max Steuer (M.A. [Central European University], LL.M. [University of Cambridge], Ph.D. [Comenius University]) is Assistant Professor at O.P. Jindal Global University, Jindal Global Law School (India) and Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Political Science (Slovakia). His research focuses on questions of democracy protection, with emphasis on constitutional adjudication in Central Europe, constitutionalism in the European Union, militant democracy and freedom of expression. His interdisciplinary work appeared in edited collections and encyclopaedias published by Oxford University Press, Routledge and Springer, and journals in political science, law, sociology and European studies, including European Constitutional Law ReviewThe International Journal of Human Rights and Review of Central and East European Law. He serves as Reviews Editor for the Jindal Global Law Review and coordinates the project Talking Courts.

    Francesca Procaccini: How Strict Scrutiny Became Unconstitutional 

    Francesca Procaccini is an Assistant Professor of Law at Vanderbilt Law School. She researches and writes on federal courts and constitutional law, particularly First Amendment law. Her past scholarship includes works on the Republican Guarantee Clause and First Amendment doctrine, while current projects focus on constitutional equality, free speech, and social media regulation. She joined the Vanderbilt Law faculty in 2022 after teaching as a Climenko Fellow at Harvard Law School. Prior to this, Procaccini taught courses and supervised First Amendment litigation at Yale Law School, worked as an appellate attorney in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, and clerked on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. She earned her law degree cum laude at Harvard Law School and graduated summa cum laude from Barnard College.

    Panel IV: All Things Intersectional (Law and Society)

    Yaron Covo: Inverse Integrations and the Relational Deficit of Disability Rights Law 

    Yaron Covo is a postdoctoral fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Tel Aviv University, and a JSD Candidate at Columbia Law School. Yaron’s primary research interests are disability law and contract law. His scholarship has appeared or is forthcoming in the Stanford Law ReviewColumbia Law Review, and Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts. Yaron earned an LL.M. from Columbia Law School (2019), where he was a Fulbright Fellow and Norman E. Alexander Scholar, and was awarded the Emil Schlesinger Labor Law Prize and Milton B. Conford Book Prize in Jurisprudence.

    Srujana Bej: Caste, Municipal Regulations and Urban Parks: How Public are Green Spaces in Hyderabad, India?

    Srujana Bej is an LL.M. student at Harvard Law School. Her research interests include critical caste studies, property law, urban studies, and spatial justice.

    Lorena Cristina Zenteno Villa: Climate Injustice: The invisibility of People with Disabilities in Latin America in the climate crisis- Pursuing climate litigation opportunities based on the human rights of people with disabilities

    Lorena Zenteno is a Chilean attorney with experience in human rights and environmental issues. She is a member of the judiciary in Chile. Lorena is a member of the Environment and Human Rights Commission of the National Association of the Chilean Judiciary, dedicated to training judges and discussing climate change and environmental impacts on human rights. She got her LL.M. in Environmental Law from the University of Davis, California, in 2020, and also holds a Master’s in business law from the University Pompeu Fabra, in Barcelona, Spain. Lorena’s primary research interests include the human rights dimensions of climate change and environmental impacts, climate change justice, indigenous people, persons with disabilities, gender, and the judiciary’s role in the climate change crisis. Currently, Lorena is undertaking her Ph.D. in Law at the University of Edinburgh and is a Fellow of the Global Initiative for Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights.

    Panel V: Of Money and its Institutions (Corporate & Tax Law)

    Amanda Parsons: Taxing Taxonomies: Tax Law’s Struggle to Render Legible Emerging Technologies

    Amanda Parsons is an Associate Professor at the University of Colorado Law School. Her research focuses on the intersection of tax law and the digital economy. Prior to joining Colorado Law, she was an Academic Fellow at Columbia Law School and an associate in the New York office of Skadden Arps. She holds a JD from Yale Law School, an MPhil from the University of Oxford, and a BA in history from Columbia University.

    Patrick Corrigan: The Stockholder Sellout Problem and Corporate Governance for Social Enterprises

    Patrick Corrigan is an Associate Professor of Law at Notre Dame Law School. Patrick’s research analyzes how laws and legal institutions shape capital markets and transactional structures, with a particular focus on issues related to initial public offerings, venture capital, and financial regulation.

    Pangyue Cheng: Driving Corporate Governance Towards Carbon Neutrality

    Pangyue Cheng is an International Fox Fellow at Yale University MacMillan Center and a doctoral candidate at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Law School. Her research interests include securities and investment law, corporate law, and artificial intelligence law. She has been invited to share her research work at various academic conferences and events hosted by prestigious universities including Yale University, Harvard University, and University of Edinburgh; her works have been published in distinguished law journals such as the Columbia Business Law Review. Pangyue received her master’s degree in Corporate and Financial Services Law from the NUS and her bachelor’s degree from Beijing Normal University. She is currently serving as a research assistant at NUS, where she investigates legal issues related to artificial intelligence and financial markets in China and the United States. Before embarking on her doctoral research, Pangyue worked as a commercial lawyer at a Beijing law firm and as legal counsel for a listed company.

    Panel VI: Legal History

    Andrew Lanham: W.E.B. Du Bois and the Long Antiwar Movement: How Black Antiwar Activists Reimagined Civil Rights and the Laws of War in the Twentieth-Century United States

    Andrew Lanham is a Climenko Fellow at Harvard Law School. He is a legal and cultural historian, and his research and writing focus on social protest movements and their impact on civil rights and racial equality. He has written about protest literature, U.S. national security policy, and the intellectual history of the Equal Protection Clause, and his current project is a new history of African American antiwar activism in the twentieth century.

    Juan Wilson: The Law’s Promises: Making Sense of Rights in the Aftermath of the Mexican Revolution

    Juan is a PhD Candidate in the History Department at the University of Chicago.

    Jamie Grischkan: The Past and Future of Bank Merger Policy

    Jamie Grischkan is an Associate Professor of Law at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University. Her research focuses on American legal history, financial regulation, and antimonopoly law and policy. Her work explores the rise and regulation of bank holding companies in the twentieth century, the relationship between antitrust law and financial regulation, and the historical development of the American antimonopoly tradition. Prior to joining the ASU College of Law faculty, she was the Samuel I. Golieb Fellow in Legal History at New York University School of Law and the Raoul Berger-Mark DeWolfe Howe Legal History Fellow at Harvard Law School. She holds a BA from Duke University, a JD from the University of Michigan Law School, and a PhD in History from Boston University.

    Panel VII: Law and Technology

    Peter Salib: Algorithmic Abolitionism

    Peter N. Salib’s research focuses on problems at the intersection of constitutional law and artificial intelligence. His scholarship has been published in, among others, The University of Chicago Law ReviewNorthwestern University Law ReviewTexas Law Review, and the Duke Law Journal Online. He has presented his work at, among others, the Harvard/Yale/Stanford Junior Faculty Forum and the Harvard Law and Economics Workshop. Before joining the University of Houston Law Center, Peter was a Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School. After graduating from law school, Peter clerked for the Honorable Frank H. Easterbrook and practiced law at Sidley Austin, LLP, where he specialized in appellate litigation.

    Anat Lior: Innovating Liability: The Virtuous Cycle of Torts, Technology and Liability Insurance

    Dr. Anat Lior is an AI Schmidt Visiting Scholar and Lecturer in Global Affairs with the Jackson School at Yale, and a Yale Affiliated fellow at the Yale Information Society Project. Her research interests include AI governance and liability, the intersection of insurance and emerging technologies and intellectual property law. Anat obtained her Doctorate degree from Yale Law School, under the supervision of Professor Jack Balkin, researching the intersection of Artificial Intelligence, tort law, insurance law and antitrust law. Anat completed a dual degree in Law and Business Administration (LL.B./B.A, Summa cum Laude) at Reichman University in Israel, as well as a Master’s Degree in Law (LL.M., Summa cum Laude) at Reichman University and at Yale Law School. She is licensed to practice law both in Israel and in the state of New York. Anat also worked with Professor Aharon Barak, former Chief Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court, focusing on comparative constitutional law.

    Felicia Caponigri: Law & Iconic Copies: Should heritage restrict or expand copyright and trademark rights for contemporary culture?

    Felicia Caponigri, J.D., Ph.D. is an American lawyer and comparative cultural heritage, art, and fashion law scholar. She is currently a Guest Scholar at IMT School for Advanced Studies in Lucca, Italy and is also the Founder of her own company, Fashion by Felicia, LLC, which works with fashion and luxury brands on their heritage initiatives. Felicia’s research exists within the wider framework of law and culture, and explores the role of heritage in legal frameworks, other normative systems, and in the operations of businesses, especially creative industries, and cultural institutions. Her work has been published in the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, the Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal, the Giornale di Arte e Diritto Online, the International Journal of Constitutional LawThe Case Western Reserve Journal of International LawThe Notre Dame Journal of International and Comparative Law, the Notre Dame Law Review Online, and the Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico. She has presented her work at the Luxury Law Summit in London, at the AALS Annual Conference, the Newberry Library in Chicago, the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and at the Università degli Studi di Firenze in Italy.

    Felicia received her Juris Doctor, magna cum laude, from Notre Dame Law School and her B.A., cum laude, in Art History from The University of Notre Dame. She also studied at the American University of Paris in France, at NYU’s Villa La Pietra campus in Florence, and at Bocconi in Milan. In 2019 Felicia received her Ph.D. in Institutions, Markets and Technologies (Curriculum in Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage) from IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca in Italy writing her dissertation on “Fashion Design Objects as Cultural Property in Italy and in the United States.

  • 2022

    Law and Technology

    Zhaoyi Li is a JSD candidate at Washington University School of Law. Zhaoyi’s teaching and research interests include corporate governance, data protection, securities regulation, law, and tech. Her recent scholarly work has appeared or is forthcoming in the Indiana Law Journal and the University of Pittsburgh Law Review.

    Sari Mazzurco is a PhD candidate in Law at Yale University and a Resident Fellow at the Yale Information Society Project. She received her JD from Stanford Law School, where she won the Stanford Law School Intellectual Property Writing Award for her article, “The Mark of A Culture.” She has written several articles on intellectual property and culture, privacy law, and internet governance appearing in Boston University Law ReviewColumbia Journal of Law and the ArtsFordham Intellectual Property, Media, and Entertainment Law Journal, and the Federal Circuit Bar Journal. Prior to entering the PhD in Law program, Mazzurco clerked on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit and worked as an associate at Covington & Burling in the privacy and data security and trademark and copyright practice groups.

    Viktorija Morozovaite is a PhD candidate at Utrecht University in the public economic law chair group of the law department. In her research project, “Hypernudging strategies in the digital market economy: a role for European competition law?,” she works on conceptualizing novel hypernudging processes and examines them in relation to Art.102 TFEU. The PhD research is conducted as part of the fulfillment of the ERC Starting Grant project Modern Bigness, which is led by Professor Anna Gerbrandy. Morozovaite currently is a Wirtschaftskammer Steiermark Fellow (March through June 2022) at the University of Graz. She is further interested in behavioral economics, legal philosophy, and the interplay between competition law and regulation.

    Ruifeng Song is a Ph.D. student at Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong. His research interest is information privacy.

    Intellectual Property Law

    Jordana Goodman is the visiting clinical assistant professor of the BU/MIT Technology Law Clinic at Boston University (BU) School of Law. She supervises BU Law students offering pro bono legal guidance to BU and MIT students on topics affecting their research and innovation. 

    Her research focuses on gender and race equity issues in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (“STEM”), concentrating on intellectual property ownership and recognition as advancement tools for systemically underrepresented people in STEM fields. Before joining the clinic, Goodman worked as a patent prosecutor at Danielson Legal LLC, where she composed patent applications, PCTs, and office action responses for technologies related to medication, batteries, molecules, filtration devices, mechanical devices, computer systems, software, and computer hardware. She also was an adjunct legal research and writing professor at New England Law. Goodman was a Paul J. Liacos Distinguished Scholar and graduated cum laude from Boston University School of Law with honors in Intellectual Property Law in 2015. She received her BSmagna cum laude, in chemistry and anthropology from Brandeis University in 2012 and her MS in chemical engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 2020. She is admitted to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office and admitted to practice in Massachusetts.

    Brent Salter is a fellow at Stanford University’s Center for Law and History. In 2019, Salter completed his doctoral research (JSD) at Yale Law School. Cambridge University Press recently published a revised version of his dissertation, Negotiating Copyright in the American Theatre: 1856-1951. Salter’s research examines legal and business histories of creative communities, labor organization, private law, and social justice issues in relation to the arts. He investigates these subjects through the prism of law and history, law and society, relational contracting, and law and the humanities. His next long-term project will be a legal history on the rise of American theatrical unions and trade associations in the first half of the 20th century. Along with these core interests, Salter also works on questions of law and empire, including the legal history of indigenous peoples and colonial incarcerated labor. His research and teaching agendas are informed by his combined experiences as a theatre practitioner, legal historian, and legal scholar.

    Jacob Victor is an assistant professor at Rutgers Law School, where he teaches property and intellectual property. He will be joining the faculty of Cardozo Law School as an associate professor this summer. His research focuses on how the law impacts innovation, culture, and the deployment of new technologies. His most recent articles have appeared in the Minnesota Law Review and the Stanford Law Review. Prior to joining Rutgers, Victor taught at NYU Law School and Albany Law School. Before that, he was an associate in the intellectual property group at Kirkland & Ellis, where he litigated copyright, trademark, and trade secret cases. He also served as a law clerk for the Hon. Pierre N. Leval on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, widely considered one of the country’s most influential judges on issues related to copyright. Victor graduated from Yale Law School in 2014, where he was an essays editor of the Yale Law Journal, a Coker Fellow, a member of the Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic, and an OutLaws board member. He received an AB in social studies, magna cum laude, from Harvard College in 2009.

    Corporate Law

    Chris Havasy is a Climenko Fellow and lecturer in law at Harvard University. His primary research interests are in administrative law and policy, with an emphasis on examining the relationships between administrative agencies and civil society. He has research and teaching interests in administrative law, legislation and statutory interpretation, constitutional law, corporate law and governance, and torts. Havasy’s current projects examine the political legitimacy of the administrative state; how to structure interest group lobbying in democratic institutions; the proper use of Enlightenment political thought in constitutional interpretation (with Josh Macey and Brian Richardson); the relationship between the concepts of legitimacy in administrative law and corporate governance (with Stavros Gadinis); and theories of power, democracy, and legitimacy in corporate governance. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in the Virginia Law ReviewVanderbilt Law Review, and Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Havasy also is a PhD candidate in government at Harvard University. His dissertation examines the historical development of legal and political theories to constrain administrative power and proposes a new theory of administrative legitimacy grounded in the relations between agencies and persons in civil society. He holds a JDcum laude, from Harvard Law School, where he was an executive editor for the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review. He also has an MA in government from Harvard University and a ScB, magna cum laude, with honors in political science and in biology, from Brown University.

    Andrew Jennings joined the Brooklyn Law School faculty in 2021, where he teaches corporate law and securities regulation. His research interests focus on corporate governance and compliance, securities regulation, and white-collar crime. Previously, Jennings was a lecturer in law and the teaching fellow for the Corporate Governance and Practice program at Stanford Law School and a scholar in residence at Duke Law School. He also was a clerk to the Hon. Helene N. White of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. He previously practiced at Cravath, Swaine & Moore, where he handled mergers and acquisitions and corporate governance matters, and at Sullivan & Cromwell, where he practiced in criminal defense and investigations and civil litigation. His recent works have been published in the Duke Law Journal, the BYU Law Review, and The Journal of Corporation Law. Jennings is a graduate at Duke Law School, where he was an executive editor of the Duke Law Journal. Outside the classroom, he is the creator and host of the Business Scholarship Podcast.

    Aisha Saad is the Dickerson Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School and an Honorary Research Fellow at Oxford University. Her research interests pertain to corporate law and governance, the political economy of corporate law, and securities regulation. Saad previously was a fellow of the Harvard Law School Program on Corporate Governance and editor of the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance; the inaugural Bartlett Fellow at Yale Law School; and an assistant professor of public policy at the American University in Cairo. Her recent work has been published in the Berkeley Business Law Journal, the Boston College Law Review Online, the New England Law Review, the Berkeley Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic LawNature Climate Change, and in an edited volume by Palgrave Macmillan. Saad holds a JD from Yale University and a DPhil and MPhil from Oxford University.

    Matt Wansley is an assistant professor at Cardozo School of Law. He researches venture capital law and risk regulation. Before joining the faculty at Cardozo, Wansley was the general counsel of nuTonomy Inc., an autonomous vehicle startup spun out of MIT. nuTonomy was the first company to test self-driving cars on the public roads in Singapore and in Boston. In 2017, nuTonomy was acquired for $450 million, a 22x return on the approximately $20 million invested. Before nuTonomy, Wansley was a Climenko Fellow and lecturer at Harvard Law School. He clerked for the Hon. Scott Matheson on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit and the Hon. Edgardo Ramos on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. He graduated from Yale College and Harvard Law School.

    International Law

    Ryan Liss is an assistant professor on the Faculty of Law at Western University. His research focuses on criminal law and public international law (including international criminal law, international human rights law, and international humanitarian law), examining the ways in which human rights construct and constrain state power in both areas. Liss holds an undergraduate degree and a JD from the University of Toronto and an LLM and JSD from Yale Law School. While at Yale, Liss was a Trudeau Scholar, an SSHRC Doctoral Fellow, a Robina Fellow, and a Humphreys Fellow. Prior to joining Western, he served as an associate-in-law at Columbia Law School and as a visiting fellow at the Schell Centre for International Human Rights at Yale Law School and at the Centre for Ethics at the University of Toronto. He clerked for Chief Justice Warren Winkler and the justices of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, and he has worked with the International Criminal Court, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, and the Coalition for the ICC.

    David Hughes is an assistant professor at the Canadian Forces College and an instructor at Trinity College, University of Toronto. Previously, he was the Trebek Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Ottawa. He holds a PhD from Osgoode Hall Law School during which time he spent two years at the University of Michigan Law School as a Grotius Research Fellow. Hughes has written about various topics and themes relating to international law that have appeared in several leading journals, including the European Journal of International Law, the Georgetown Journal of International Law, and the Melbourne Journal of International Law. Before beginning his doctoral work, he worked at the Council of Europe and with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. 

    Yahli Shereshevsky is an associate professor at the University of Haifa Law School. Previously, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Federmann Cyber Security Research Center and at the Minerva Center for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions, and a Grotius Research Scholar at the University of Michigan Law School. He also clerked for the Hon. Deputy Chief Justice Eliezer Rivlin of the Supreme Court of Israel. Shereshevsky specializes in international law, focusing on international humanitarian law, international lawmaking, international legal theory, and international criminal law. Hiss PhD, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, received the Malcolm and Judith Shaw Prize for an Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in the Field of Public International Law. He holds an LLB in Law and the “Amirim” Interdisciplinary Honors Program for Outstanding Students, summa cum laude, from the Hebrew University. Shereshevsky’s work has been published in leading international law journals, including the European Journal of International Law, the Virginia Journal of International Law, the Michigan Journal of International Law, and the Journal of International Criminal Justice.

    Criminal Law

    Amy Kimpel is an assistant professor of clinical legal instruction and the director of the Criminal Defense clinic at University of Alabama School of Law. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Alabama, she worked at the Judicial Council of California in its Criminal Justice Services Office, where she spearheaded implementation of a new mental health diversion law, Assembly Bill 1810. Previously, Kimpel worked as a public defender for both the Federal Defenders of San Diego Inc. and the Santa Clara County Office of the Public Defender in San Jose, California. As a public defender, Kimpel tried 25 cases in federal and state court and argued before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit twice. Kimpel earned her JDmagna cum laude, from New York University, where she was a Hays Fellow and Vanderbilt Medal recipient. She also holds an AB in English, magna cum laude, from Columbia University and an MA in education from Columbia University, where she was part of the first cohort of Columbia Urban Educator Fellows. Kimpel’s scholarship focuses on criminal law and the intersection of criminal and immigration law.

    John Meixner Jr. is an assistant U.S. attorney in the appellate division of the United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Michigan. His scholarship focuses on criminal law (especially sentencing), evidence, and the intersection of law and neuroscience. Much of his work is empirical and examines how the decision making of everyday legal actors like judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys impacts legal outcomes. Meixner received his JDmagna cum laude, from Northwestern University, where he was editor-in-chief of the Northwestern University Law Review. He also received a PhD in psychology from Northwestern, with an emphasis on cognitive neuroscience. His scholarship was published or is forthcoming in the Northwestern University Law ReviewWisconsin Law ReviewDePaul Law ReviewAlbany Law ReviewJournal of Criminal Law and CriminologyJournal of Empirical Legal StudiesNeuroImage, and Psychological Science, among other outlets. Meixner served as a law clerk to Paul V. Niemeyer of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and Gerald E. Rosen of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. He will join the faculty of the University of Georgia School of Law in August 2022.

    Kate Weisburd is an associate professor of law at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. She teaches criminal law; criminal procedure; and a seminar on race, surveillance, and the criminal legal system. Her recent scholarly work has appeared or is forthcoming in the California Law ReviewVirginia Law ReviewIowa Law ReviewNorth Carolina Law Review, and the UCLA Law Review, and she has written for The Marshall Project and the L.A. Times, as well as other mainstream media. Weisburd’s article, “Punitive Surveillance” (Va. L. Rev.), was selected for the Reidenberg-Kerr Award for Outstanding Scholarship by a Junior Scholar at the 2021 Privacy Law Scholars Conference. Prior to joining George Washington University, she founded and directed the Youth Defender Clinic at the East Bay Community Law Center, which is part of the clinical law program at the University of California, Berkeley, and is the largest provider of free legal services in the county. In that role, Weisburd taught and supervised law students representing young people in juvenile court and school discipline proceedings. In addition to her clinical teaching responsibilities, Weisburd served as a lecturer at Berkeley Law, teaching courses on the school-to-prison pipeline. Prior to creating the Youth Defender Clinic, she was a fellow and supervising attorney in Berkeley Law’s Death Penalty Clinic. In both clinics, Weisburd maintained her own caseload and represented clients at trial, on appeal, and in post-conviction proceedings. Weisburd graduated from Columbia Law School and Brown University. She clerked for the Hon. Lawrence K. Karlton on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California.

    Human Rights

    Mariana Olaizola Rosenblat is the Global Human Rights Clinic Fellow and Lecturer at the University of Chicago. She received her JD from Yale Law School and her AB in politics, summa cum laude, from Princeton University, specializing in international human rights and refugee law. Prior to joining the University of Chicago, Rosenblat served as a Robina International Human Rights Fellow at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Buenos Aires, where she worked on durable solutions for refugees in Southern Latin America. She has also worked for UNHCR’s Statelessness Unit in Geneva, the Council of Europe’s Office for the Commissioner for Human Rights in Strasbourg, and the Center for Diversity and National Harmony in Yangon, Myanmar. In the latter role, she spent more than two years conducting research in conflict-affected borderland regions and authored six reports analyzing the effect of the government’s discriminatory citizenship provisions on access to rights. Rosenblat is a Paul and Daisy Soros Fellow and Salzburg Cutler International Law Fellow.

    Raghavi Viswanath is a PhD researcher at the European University Institute in Florence. Her primary interests lie in international criminal law, human rights law, and postcolonial approaches to international law. She obtained her primary degree in law from the National Law Institute University, Bhopal (India). She later read for the Bachelor of Civil Law at the University of Oxford and pursued an advanced masters in international criminal law at the Leiden Law School. Viswanath has worked with the Oxford Pro Bono Publico, the Bonavero Institute for Human Rights, the Global Freedom of Expression project, and the United Nations International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals in The Hague. Alongside her PhD at the European University Institute, Viswanath works as a senior research associate at the Public International Law and Policy Group, where she studies trends in domestic prosecutions of international crimes. More recently, she contributed to PILPG’s amicus curiae intervention in the Bosco Ntaganda case at the International Criminal Court. She also holds visiting faculty positions at institutes such as National Law School of India University in Bangalore, the University of Salamanca, and the University of East London, and she acts as consultant for cultural rights collectives in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Her work has been published by the Asian Journal of International Law, the Journal of International Criminal Justice, and the Cross-Cultural Human Rights Review.

    Günhan Gönül Koşar has been working in Hacettepe University Faculty of Law’s Civil Law Department since 2013. Her research focuses on privacy law, tort law, children’s law, and contract law. She teaches and assists Civil Law, Family Law, Law of Obligations, Contract Law, Property Law, and Inheritance Law courses. Prior to joining Hacettepe University, she was admitted to the Ankara Bar Association in 2012.

    Koşar graduated from Ankara Atatürk Anatolian High School in Turkey in 2006, magna cum laude, and from Abraham Lincoln High School in Iowa in 2007 (top 3 percent). She graduated from İ.D. Bilkent University Faculty of Law, magna cum laude, in 2011. From 2007 to 2011, she worked as a news anchor and radio program host at Radio Bilkent. In 2013, she received her master’s degree from the College of Europe (Collège d’Europe) in Bruges, Belgium. Her thesis, “The Interface between Intellectual Property Rights and Article 102,” was conducted under the supervision of Mario Siragusa. Her LLM was financed by a scholarship from the Ministry of European Union of Turkey. In 2019, she received her PhD in private law from Hacettepe University Social Sciences Institute; her thesis, “Fault and Its Effect in Tort Liability,” was published by Onikilevha Publishing. Within the scope of her doctoral thesis research, she conducted research visits to Hamburg University Faculty of Law (hosted by Robert Koch) and to Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (hosted by Reinhard Zimmermann), both in Germany. For her PhD research, she received scholarships from the German Academic Exchange Service and the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. She speaks Turkish, English, French, German, and Spanish.

    Tax Law

    Andrew Appleby focuses his teaching and scholarship on tax and business law. He has published in many prominent law journals and has particular expertise in state and local taxation, sports taxation, and applied tax policy. He has been featured extensively in the media, including The New York Times, Bloomberg TV, and Tax Notes. Appleby also co-authors the leading treatise on state taxation, Hellerstein’s State Taxation (3rd edition) (with Jerome Hellerstein and Walter Hellerstein). Appleby practiced tax and corporate law at leading law firms for nearly a decade. Most recently, he was special counsel in the tax group in Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP’s New York office. He was a partner in the tax group in Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP’s New York office and an associate in the corporate group in Alston & Bird LLP’s Atlanta office. Prior to his legal career, Appleby was an information technology and business consultant.

    Appleby earned an LLM in taxation from Georgetown University, where he participated in the Graduate Tax Scholar fellowship program. He earned a JD from Wake Forest University, an MBA from the University of Massachusetts–Amherst, and a BS from Florida State University.

    Yvette Lind is an assistant professor in tax law at Copenhagen Business School. Currently, she is a visiting by-fellow at Churchill College, University of Cambridge; a visiting associate at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge; and the Global Horizons Junior Fellow at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies. Her areas of expertise primarily concern various aspects of international taxation, social insurance law, EU state aid provisions, environmental taxation, and constitutional law. She has been published in leading journals such as National Tax JournalFlorida Tax Review, and Australian Tax Review. She publishes regularly in IntertaxTax Notes, and a variety of Nordic law journals.

  • 2021

    Panel I: International Law

    Panel II: Human Rights

    Panel III: Law And Society

    Panel IV: Constitutional Law

    Panel V: Environmental Law

    Panel VI: Corporate Law

    Discussion: Tax Law

    Panel VII: Criminal Law

    Panel VIII: Law And Technology

  • 2020

    Panel I - Constitutional Law and Practice

    Panel II - Complexities of the Modern Order

    Panel III - Legal Theory and Statutory Interpretation

    Panel IV - Human Rights, Justice and Democracy

    Panel V - Crime, Justice, and Punishment

    Panel VI - Taxation

    Panel VII - Corporate Law and Practice