“Globalization, Tax Competition, and the Fiscal Crisis of the Welfare State”

  • Tax Law
Harvard Law Review

“Competition and Competitiveness: Review of NFTC Subpart F Report”

  • Tax Law
Tax Notes

“Tax Competition and Multinational Competitiveness: The New Balance of Subpart F - Review of the NFTC Foreign Income Project”

  • Tax Law
Tax Notes International

“Comment on Peroni, Fleming and Shay, ‘Getting Serious about Curtailing Deferral of U.S. Tax on Foreign Source Income’ ”

  • Tax Law
Southern Methodist University Law Review

“U.S. Notice 98-11 and the Logic of Subpart F: A Comparative Perspective”

Tax Notes International

“Memo to Congress: It’s Time to Repeal the U.S. Portfolio Interest Exemption”

  • Tax Law
Tax Notes International

“International Taxation of Electronic Commerce”

  • Tax Law
Tax Law. Review

“Comment on Shay and Summers: Selected International Aspects of Fundamental Tax Reform Proposals”

  • Tax Law
University of Miami Law Review

Review of Company Tax Systems by John Head and Richard Krever

Tax Notes International

“U.S. International Treatment of Financial Derivatives”

Tax Notes

“To End Deferral as we Know It: Simplification Potential of Check-the-Box”

Tax Notes

“From Income to Consumption Tax: Some International Implications”

  • Tax Law
San Diego Law Review

“Comment on Grubert and Newlon, ‘The International Implications of Consumption Tax Proposals’ ”

  • Tax Law
National Tax Journal

The Attribution Rules

  • Tax Law

“Virtual Taxation: Source-Based Taxation in the Age of Derivatives”

Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Taxation Held under the Auspices of the National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America

“The Structure of International Taxation: A Proposal for Simplification”

  • Tax Law
Texas Law Review

Taxation of Financial Instruments

  • Tax Law

Transfer Pricing: Judicial Strategy and Outcomes

  • Tax Law

Collapsible Corporations

  • Tax Law

“The International Implications of Tax Reform”

Tax Notes

“The Rise and Fall of Arm’s Length: A Study in the Evolution of U.S. International Taxation”

  • Tax Law
Virginia Tax Review

Amortization of Intangibles

  • Tax Law

The Case for Coordinated Corporate Tax Rates

The United States and the Pillars

Follow the Money: Why is International Tax Bilateral?

“The Administrative Procedure Act Problem Reconsidered”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

“The Case for a Carbon Tax Revisited”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

“Pillar 2 and Specific Benefits for Multinationals”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

Why 15%? Justifying the Global Corporate Minimum Tax

“Taxing the Super-Rich after Moore”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

The Benefits Principle

Building the Gateway: Why the Two Pillars Need Each Other

“The High Road and the Low Road: What Should be the US Reaction to the End of Pillar One?”

The New International Tax Regime

  • International and Comparative Law
  • Tax Law

“Are Exit Taxes Discriminatory?”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

Advanced Introduction to International Tax Law

The International Tax Revolution

Taxation for a New ‘New Deal’: Short-, Medium-, and Long-Term Options

  • Tax Law

Taxing Nomads: Reviving Citizenship-Based Taxation for the 21st Century

A Different Tax on Stock Buybacks

“Roman Precursors of Modern Human Rights Doctrine”

“Building the Gateway: Why the Two Pillars Need Each Other”

“Political Biases and Taxation Revisited”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

“Taxation and Corporate Governance”

The Single Tax Principle

The Interaction Between Unilateralism and Multilateralism in International Tax

“The Four Ages of US International Taxation Revisited”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

“Taxation of Autonomous Artificial Intelligence: Socially Sustainable Expansion of Automation and Impacts on International Tax”

“Limiting The Blast Radius: Can Congress Save The Code From Realization?”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper

“Should Large Corporate Mergers Be Subsidized?”

University of Michigan Public Law Research Paper